Top 10 Campus Mental Health Resources for Students

College life can be a whirlwind of new experiences, challenges, and pressures. It’s not uncommon for students to experience stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues during their time on campus. Fortunately, many colleges and universities offer a variety of mental health resources to support their students. Here are the top 10 campus mental health resources that students can access to help manage their mental health and wellbeing.

1. Counseling and Psychological Services

Most colleges and universities offer free or low-cost counseling services to their students. These services may include individual therapy, group therapy, crisis intervention, and psychiatric services.

2. Wellness Centers

Wellness centers on campus often provide resources for stress management, mindfulness, and overall mental wellbeing. They may offer workshops, classes, and other programs designed to promote mental health.

3. Peer Support Programs

Peer support programs connect students with trained peers who can provide emotional support, empathy, and understanding. These programs can be particularly helpful for students who feel more comfortable talking to a fellow student about their struggles.

4. Academic Advisors

Academic advisors can help students manage academic stress and navigate challenges related to their coursework. They can also refer students to other mental health resources on campus.

5. Disability Services

For students with mental health conditions that qualify as disabilities, disability services can provide accommodations and support to help them succeed academically.

6. Student Health Services

Student health services often include mental health care as part of their offerings. They may provide psychiatric services, medication management, and other mental health treatments.

7. Online Mental Health Resources

Many colleges and universities offer online resources for mental health, including self-help tools, online therapy options, and mental health apps.

8. Substance Abuse Resources

For students struggling with substance abuse, many campuses offer recovery resources, including counseling, support groups, and referral to treatment programs.

9. Stress Management Resources

Colleges often provide resources specifically designed to help students manage stress, such as relaxation techniques, time management workshops, and stress reduction classes.

10. Mental Health Awareness Programs

Many campuses host mental health awareness programs to educate students about mental health issues and reduce stigma. These programs can be a great way to learn more about mental health and connect with resources.

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. If you’re struggling with your mental health, reach out to these resources on your campus. You’re not alone, and there are people and services available to support you.