Hirsutism: natural remedies for excess hair
One of the things that worries women the most, is to take care of their body , in general, their feminine aesthetics. Today, we wanted to talk about a topic of body care that worries many of them. It's about hirsutism. Perhaps, for some this word and its meaning is unknown. Hirsutism is excess body hair , especially in women. Undoubtedly, there are some women who suffer from this male genetic pattern. This article is dedicated to all of them. We bring you all about hirsutism: natural remedies for excess hair, through proper diet and diets, herbal tea, acupuncture and its magic, lemon citric acid, as some of so many natural medicines that you can use, to alleviate this ailment.

The first thing is to give you a more accurate definition of what it is in itself, hirsutism. It is, as we have said, a natural and androgynous genetic condition in women . Which refers to an abundance of hairs in various areas of the body. For example, the most common areas are: the chin, upper lip, neck, the areolas of the breasts, back, thighs, thorax. In short, areas that for women are certainly unpleasant and somewhat masculine. For this reason, we want to let you know the best natural remedies for excess hair.

Other of the important things you should know, before knowing about this topic, are the causes that cause the natural pathological condition . It is extremely important that you understand why this disease occurs in certain women. First, it is due to the increase in the known androgynous steroids. That is, the male hormone found in women. It is known as dihydro-testosterone. Second, it occurs when the woman shaves with steel blades. For this reason, thin hair begins to thicken. Which tells us that there is hirsutism on the skin.
Hirsutism: natural remedies for excess hair
Hirsutism comes from a genetic tendency . Likewise, it is also known that this pathology has certain ethnographic origins. For example, it is very likely to find women with this condition in Asia, and even in the Arab Kingdom. In addition, in some countries of the European Mediterranean. Beyond this, the important thing is that there are ways to avoid and improve it. These are home remedies that will help to resolve in a natural way everything related to this ailment. So, stay and know everything about the subject in the following lines.
Proper diet and diets
In all aspects of health, diet is one of the most important aspects . Although it seems difficult to assimilate, eating healthy is one of the natural remedies for excess hair. Eating fruits and vegetables should be part of your daily life. These foods, containing many antioxidants, can make the hirsutism disappear from those unpleasant areas in the body. By eating fruits and vegetables , you will not only be eating well, but you will be decreasing the high content of androgynous hormones. So, seriously consider changing your way of feeding. Of it, to a great extent, it will depend to eradicate the hirsutism of the body.

It is recommended Ingest fruits such as: tomato, tree tomato, cranberry, strawberries, raspberry, cherries. Due to its high content of anti oxidants.Other natural remedies for hirsutism are vegetables or vegetables. You must constantly consume vegetables such as: paprika, pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, carrot, beets. These vegetables, like the aforementioned fruits, also have a high antioxidant content.
Eat more fish and less red meat , it is also part of a good diet to end hirsutism. There are no better natural remedies for excess hair than healthy nutrition. Always keep that in mind. On the other hand, you must eliminate refined foods. For example: pasta, sugar, bread, flours, among others.
Why? Because these refined foods encourage the hormones that produce hirsutism. It is advisable, then, to eat whole grains. Since they contain the nutrients and antioxidants needed to eliminate excess hair. Eliminates the consumption of common oil. It is necessary to consume extra virgin olive oil. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol .
Herbal tea
Most herbs contain healing properties . This is one of its advantages for the body. In addition, they contribute to the fortification of the immune system. Herbs should be in the diet of those who suffer from hirsutism. This is because, as part of the natural remedies for excess hair, they fulfill their function effectively.

It is recommended to take twice a day, for 1 month, herbs such as saw palmetto and chaste tree. The American palm, makes disappear any trace of masculine hormones. Likewise, chaste tree tea has anti-androgenic properties that eliminate hirsutism. You should only change your eating habits and life. That is one of the most effective natural remedies for hirsutism.
Acupuncture and its magic
Chinese medicine, too , participates in the best natural remedies for excess hair. This ancient healing technique leaves multiple benefits throughout the body. In the case of hirsutism, acupuncture works efficiently . This technique involves the insertion of tiny needles in the areas affected by excess hair. Achieving lower levels of androgynous hormones. Its effectiveness is reliable in every way. Therefore, do not wait any longer and check it out for yourself.

The citric acid of the lemon
Of the natural remedies for hirsutism, the use of the lemon could not be absent. Its function is basic. This is because, citric acid helps to remove excess hair. You should only prepare a mixture of 2 or more lemons with a touch of water and a spoonful of sugar. The sugar must dissolve in the liquid. Then, you should only apply the solution in the affected area. Once the mixture has dried on the skin, you will have to tear it off. This technique works the same as waxing.
We hope these remedies are very useful to eliminate the hirsutism of your life and you can look beautiful and hair free.
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